Art Intro - Symbolic Self-Portrait

Created by Shangai Lily

Symbolic Self-Portrait

Project Summary
Students are to fill in a silhouette portrait of their bust using a color scheme, doodles and symbols. The style being created is a mesh between vintage silhouette portraiture and modern bold graphics with a ornate recycled gold frame.

Unit Objectives students will be able to
• Illustrate using symbolism, abstraction and doodles.
• Select, use and communicate aesthetically pleasing color schemes
• Students will be able to identify and communicate the elements and principles of art and design.

  1. Answers self-portrait questionnaire (70 points)
  2. Planning your composition - 10 points
  3. Rough drawing on 12 x 18 newsprint ( 20 points)
  4. Inked final drawing (10 points)
  5. Choose color scheme and add shading / coloring (10 points)
  6. Cut, construct and detail ornate cardboard frame. (20 points)
  7. Communicate the meaning behind the illustration pertaining to their choice of imagery and symbols in a written artist statement. (50 points)
Total = 200 points

Project Procedures

Questionnaire (70 points)
Assignment background knowledge questions: 10 points each
Explain various reasons why artist make self-portraits.
Explain how symbolism works.
Explain how an artist abstracts.

Personal background questions: 5 points each
What is your story from birth until now?
What are you plans for the future?
What are your talents?
What are you goals?
What are you scared of?
What are your weaknesses?
What are your favorite things?
What colors reflect your personality?

Planning you composition - 10 points
Draw a rough side profile of your face on copy paper and begin sketching in rough ideas of where somethings might go. Your trying to control how the viewers eye will travel through the composition of the artwork.

Self-portrait rough drawing - 20 points
Using half of a sheet of newsprint you will trace a profile of your silhouette using pencil. This silhouette is where you will begin to fill the inside with abstraction, doodles and symbols that reflect your personality and story.

Inking final - 10 points
You will transfer your newsprint drawing onto a final piece of paper and then proceed to ink your illustration. This is the piece you will be turning in, so take your time and take pride in the craftsmanship of your work.

Color scheme - 10 points
At this stage you will need to determine your color scheme and the medium you want to color your image in. You may use watercolors, colored pencils, ink stippling or graphite to shade your piece. Go to the website and choose which color scheme best reflects your personality. At this time you will also be playing around with these mediums to see which one you might prefer.

Cardboard Frame - 20 points
At this stage you will need to cut a piece of cardboard to fit around your illustration in the form of an oval or rectangle. Once the frame is cut you will determine and execute the decorative motif and color of your choice. After this is complete you will frame your and mount your artwork to finish the product.

Artist statement - 50 points
The last stage of this assignment you will write a formal essay that describes your decisions regarding the construction and chosen imagery, colors and style of the work. You will also be identifying where you used the elements and principles of art and design within the artwork.